Food and Beverage Industry Products


Detergent / Disinfectants

No.    Name    Description
232 BACTECIDE-C     Chlorine detergent and disinfectant powder
274 QAC-DET Dual QAC detergent and disinfectant
288 KLORFOAM L Foaming liquid chlorine detergent and disinfectant

Additional Products

Name   Description
CIRCO POWER   Low foaming, chlorinated liquid detergent for cleaning CIP systems in dairy, brewing and food processing industries. Suitable for use in HACCP systems.
CIP ACID   Strong acid detergent and descaler. Can be used to remove milkstone, beerstone, winestone, scale buildup and other organic deposits. Suitable for use in HACCP systems.
KNOCKOUT LIQUID   Non-foaming alkali detergent for use in factories and food processing plants as a CIP detergent. Suitable for use in HACCP systems.
PERACID          Colourless liquid containing peracetic acids for use in CIP systems as a rapid disinfectant. Suitable for use in HACCP systems.
KLOR F POWDER (BUCKET)   Foaming chlorinated powder detergent and disinfectant. Used in manual cleaning of bulk tanks, floors and hard surfaces. Suitable for use in HACCP systems.
ALKALI 4000   Heavy duty, caustic liquid detergent for use in CIP systems in factories and bottle washing plants.

Service Products

(For inquiry on these products, contact us)

Name Description
VIKAN BRUSHWARE     A range of brushware specifically approved for use within the Food and Beverage industry, as well as HACCP systems.
PAPER PRODUCTS A range of various paper products, i.e. toilet rolls, paper towels. (Nampak)